Correct your myopia while you sleep
The contact lenses that correct your vision while you sleep. They work at night so you can enjoy clear vision during the day.
Ortho-K or orthokeratology is an innovative, reversible treatment that allows you to compensate your graduation while you sleep. Its purpose is to reduce myopia temporarily and reversibly. It is made with special lenses of European manufacture called Menicon Z-Night and used in the hours of sleep allowing a clear vision, without glasses or contact lenses, during the next day.
Disfrutar de una visión durante todo el día ahora es posible con nuestro tratamiento.
Orthokeratology and its advantages
What is orthokeratology?
Orthokeratology is a reversible and safe treatment, which by adapting specific gas permeable contact lenses, reduces the patient's graduation temporarily by modifying the corneal curvature.
In this type of treatment, contact lenses are used at night while the patient is sleeping. In the morning when getting up, the lenses are removed and they are not inserted again until night, just before going to bed. The effect of shaping the cornea induced at night by the lens is maintained during the day, allowing clear vision. The patient should never completely abandon the use of contact lenses, since the cornea, due to its elastic structure, will recover its original shape, and therefore, the defect treated will be reproduced.
Advantages of orthokeratology
Orthokeratology offers the possibility of obtaining good vision without the need to undergo surgery or use glasses or contact lenses during the day, using the lenses only during the night, while sleeping. The treatment is reversible thanks to the corneal structure that is flexible, plastic and moldable so that when interrupting the use of the lenses, the changes that had occurred will return to their initial state.
For whom is orthokeratology indicated?
As no visual aid is needed during the day, it becomes an ideal system for:
- People who have problems in the use of glasses or contact lenses in a regime of conventional use
- Sportsmen (for all kinds of sports)
- People whose profession requires seeing well without any correction (police, firemen, officials ...)
- Children, as a control of myopia, the progress of myopia can be reduced.
How is the orthokeratological treatment?
It is a lens for orthokeratology treatment that is designed specifically for each patient and that has CE marking. For its initial test, a new lens is manufactured. The system consists of taking a three-dimensional photograph of the cornea (corneal topography) using a high-precision instrument (corneal topographer) and using computer software, specially designed for this treatment, with which the most appropriate lens is calculated and designed for each individual, ordering the detailed manufacture of this lens to the laboratory who is in charge of manufacturing it using the latest technology. This type of lens is made with materials of hyperpermeability to the gas, which gives them a high security when sleeping with them thanks to the high passage of oxygen through the material itself. Due to the specific geometry of the posterior surface of the lens, the cornea will be modified during the night, so that after a few days it will not be necessary to use any means of optical compensation. As with any orthokeratology lens, the effect of the contact lens is reversible and temporary. This means that the lenses should be used continuously every night to maintain the effects of the treatment. Therefore, the visual quality will depend on the use made of contact lenses. If the results are considered unacceptable, or the use of the lens is suspended or interrupted, the cornea returns to its initial state and it will be possible to use a conventional soft or permeable lens after treatment. The cornea will be modified during the night, so that after a few days it will not be necessary to use any means of optical compensation. As with any orthokeratology lens, the effect of the contact lens is reversible and temporary. This means that the lenses should be used continuously every night to maintain the effects of the treatment. Therefore, the visual quality will depend on the use made of contact lenses. If the results are considered unacceptable, or the use of the lens is suspended or interrupted, the cornea returns to its initial state and it will be possible to use a conventional soft or permeable lens after treatment. The cornea will be modified during the night, so that after a few days it will not be necessary to use any means of optical compensation. As with any orthokeratology lens, the effect of the contact lens is reversible and temporary. This means that the lenses should be used continuously every night to maintain the effects of the treatment. Therefore, the visual quality will depend on the use made of contact lenses. If the results are considered unacceptable, or the use of the lens is suspended or interrupted, the cornea returns to its initial state and it will be possible to use a conventional soft or permeable lens after treatment. so that after a few days it will not be necessary to use any means of optical compensation. As with any orthokeratology lens, the effect of the contact lens is reversible and temporary. This means that the lenses should be used continuously every night to maintain the effects of the treatment. Therefore, the visual quality will depend on the use made of contact lenses. If the results are considered unacceptable, or the use of the lens is suspended or interrupted, the cornea returns to its initial state and it will be possible to use a conventional soft or permeable lens after treatment. so that after a few days it will not be necessary to use any means of optical compensation. As with any orthokeratology lens, the effect of the contact lens is reversible and temporary. This means that the lenses should be used continuously every night to maintain the effects of the treatment. Therefore, the visual quality will depend on the use made of contact lenses. If the results are considered unacceptable, or the use of the lens is suspended or interrupted, the cornea returns to its initial state and it will be possible to use a conventional soft or permeable lens after treatment. Lenses should be used continuously every night to maintain the effects of treatment. Therefore, the visual quality will depend on the use made of contact lenses. If the results are considered unacceptable, or the use of the lens is suspended or interrupted, the cornea returns to its initial state and it will be possible to use a conventional soft or permeable lens after treatment. Lenses should be used continuously every night to maintain the effects of treatment. Therefore, the visual quality will depend on the use made of contact lenses. If the results are considered unacceptable, or the use of the lens is suspended or interrupted, the cornea returns to its initial state and it will be possible to use a conventional soft or permeable lens after treatment.
Calendar and revisions during treatment
For the correct wearing of nocturnal orthokeratology contact lenses, it is essential that you strictly follow the recommendations made by your contactologist and that you comply with the following schedule of visits:
First consultation (Information and preliminary study)
Incluye la información del tratamiento y los exámenes previos necesarios para la evaluación optométrica y salud ocular para proceder con la adaptación; topografía corneal y el cálculo de las lentes.
Second consultation
Initial testing of lenses made especially for this case. Subsequently; ocular, visual and topographic evaluation of the cornea. If everything is correct, this visit includes teaching, handling and maintenance of the lenses.
Third consultation
The next morning after sleeping one night with the glasses. During this visit, a complete evaluation of the ocular, visual and topographic state will be carried out and a decision will be made as to whether it is necessary to make any changes or modifications to the lenses in order to improve any aspect considered necessary.
Other consultations (control revisions)
Revisions of control every certain interval until obtaining the discharge of the adaptation. Once discharged, it is recommended that you have a check-up every six months.
Finally, it is advisable to replace the lenses a year after they start to be used, due to the possible deposits that it may have, since it could cause a regression of the refraction defect, as a result of the deterioration of it.